Karen Romano met and fell in love with John Pascoe when she was eighteen. He was her first love and she thought they would last forever.
But like so many first loves, they didn’t last forever, and Karen was devastated when it ended. Martin Cosgrove, a country boy born in far western New South Wales, who moved to the city and became a highly paid executive working for the Australian government, fell in love with Karen at their first meeting and courted her until she agreed to marry him. He turned out to be a devoted and loving husband.
But as Karen discovered, Martin was also an extremely self-centered and often difficult man. But fortunately—or not—there were other people in Karen’s life: Lou, the dear friend; Glenda, the troubled wife; Jeff, Chris, and Paul, the enigmatic “extra men in her life.” People drawn together by fate, by friendship, and by the World Wide Web.
How will these disparate characters come together and interact with each other?
In a story of love, friendship, and betrayal, paths will cross, plans will be made; but on a dark and rainy night, fate will intervene—with tragic and devastating consequences that nobody saw coming, but that will ultimately change lives forever. But is that the end of the story?
"Raynette, I loved your book - the storyline, the full-bodied characters, your descriptions of what it is like to do paintings, and the language and turn of phrase. I love, love, loved the surprise ending. It was a great read. An amazing first novel." - Ann W, Australia
"This story is one that will resonate with readers of all ages. It pulls on your heartstrings, inspires deep thoughts, and urges you sit back and evaluate the life you've been living. It's captivating and all consuming. A tale across time, with deep rooted emotion and hints of lust. The Author's writing will draw in you and hold you captive long past the final page. If you are on the fence, don't be. This read is sure to impress." - Blessed Bookworm, United States.
"I just loved this book ford so many reasons. The author got to the point, she didn’t draw the story out, and told the story likes she was talking to you. Perhaps husbands should read it. It kept me interested all the time. Great read Raynette." - Kaye
About The Author

Raynette left city life and the corporate world behind twenty years ago when she and her husband decided on a tree change and moved to the Noosa hinterland, on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.
Once there, she learned to relax and enjoy the lifestyle this beautiful place had to offer. The slower pace allowed her more time to paint and write, and after many attempts, she completed her first book. She belongs to several Writers’ Groups and has always loved the English language and composition.
Her favorite genre is Women’s Contemporary Fiction—stories about the complexities of relationships and how people deal with life, in good times and in bad...