Astraeus, by Callan J. Mulligan, is a bestselling scifi thriller for fans of James S.A Corey's The Expanse, Alex Garland's Sunshine, Isaac Asimov's Foundation, and the like.
Onboard a world-settling starship named The Astraeus, a colony adjusts to their new life in the stars as they embark on a two hundred year journey to the centre of the Milky Way.
Senator Cassian Abner wishes to build a new world but finds himself at odds with the ship's government and crew. Lizabeth Denning is a daughter of wealth, using the Astraeus as a refuge from her troubled past. Carron Riddell is a young engineer, responsible for maintaining the crucial machines that keep the mission alive. Jim Atley is a stowaway, running from a deadly secret that is bound to catch up with him.
The Astraeus is a paradise, but their utopia doesn't last long. When a passenger is murdered, the colony begins to turn on each other, and things get far worse when the ship begins to experience violent tremors.
In a race against time, they must find answers and repair the damage or risk falling victims to the cold empty void of space...
About The Author

Callan J. Mulligan was born in 1988 in Melbourne, Australia. Writing poems and fiction from a young age, his ambition and imagination took him through several creative careers including Marketing, Music, and Film & Television.
At the age of 29 he wrote his first published work of fiction, a novella titled, A Mind of His Own. The debut work received critical acclaim and international success, scoring amazon's Top 25 for Psychological Thrillers and receiving the Readers' Favorite Five Star Seal. He has since appeared in Australia's premier science fiction magazine, and published his highly anticipated novel, Astraeus.
Callan lives with his wife on The Gold Coast and spends his time writing, reading, and playing too many video games.
Callan J. Mulligan was born in 1988 in Melbourne, Australia. Writing poems and fiction from a young age, his ambition and imagination took him through several creative careers including Marketing, Music, and Film & Television.
At the age of 29 he wrote his first published work of fiction, a novella titled, A Mind of His Own. The debut work received critical acclaim and international success, scoring amazon's Top 25 for Psychological Thrillers and receiving the Readers' Favorite Five Star Seal. He has since appeared in Australia's premier science fiction magazine, and published his highly anticipated novel, Astraeus.
Callan lives with his wife on The Gold Coast and spends his time writing, reading, and playing too many video games.