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Episode 47

Roll the dice, level up and join hosts Veronica and Darren for a Lit RPG episode that features giant wombats, a deep dive into choose your own adventures, a call for Australian book lovers to decide on the magical scent of second hand or new books and an Aussie apocalyptic interview with C.J. Timms!


What Country do you write on? 

I write on at home in Monterey where the Traditional custodians are the

Gadigal/Bidjigal people of the Eora Nation.

I work at Kirrawee, where the traditaionl owners are the D harawal people.

When did you first admit that you were a writer?

When I submitted my first terrible manuscript to a traditional publishing house in year eight of high school.

What was your favourite book as a child?

The wheel of time series.

What i nspired you to write/this book/these books?

In the Aussie Mana Apocalypse series I wanted to explore the cultural themes of rural vs urban Australia while writing about the video games I l oved as a child. 

Do you write for yourself or for a particular audience?


I find writing therapeutic and destressing. It is nice to have a hobby outside of your day job.

Is there anything specifically Australian about your book/books?

Aussie mateship. Rural l ocations l ike Broken Hill and Lightning Ridge,

Giant wombats, battle kangaroos and bushranger liches.

Why do you think l isteners should read your book/s?

All of my books have an element of ‘how would I survive if my mates and I were thrown into a disaster. I think thats something we’ve all thought about at one point or another. It also fills a niche i n Australian fantasy.

Is there a message in your book/books/writing? 

That small country towns are facing challenges.That there i s a magic to the small country towns of Australia that has to be experienced.

That medical training has challenges and we need to look after our trainees.

Who i s your most or l east favourite character to write?

Nelson ‘Nugget’ Crangle. He is the best mate of my main character i n the Aussie Mana Apocalypse. He is a reimagining of one of my previous characters, ‘TitusMangrove - the Bogan Knight’.

Nugget is the sort of mate who would always have your back, and although he comes at life with a simple approach, it's a powerful simplicity.

What’s the best response you’ve ever had to your writing?

The Aussie Mana Apocalypse featured on some of the Amazon US stores Bestseller lists for the first time this month. ‘Fair Dinkum Dungeon Diving’ Got to #1 i n Post apocalyptic science fiction on the Amazon Australia store.

As a writer, are you a plotter or a pantser or somewhere in between?

Plotter, my first book King Tides Curse was pantsed and took me 3-4 years. I am never going back to pantsing!

How much research i s i nvolved in your writing?


I try to make each of the Aussie Mana Apocalypse about a part of Australian history such as where the phrase Fair Dinkum came from or the Eureka Stockade. King Tides Curse involved a lot of worldbuilding around things l ike the history of KingCanute.

What’s your writing routine – i f you have one?

I used to get up at 5am to write and do i t at a coffee shop but can’t do that at the moment!

Where do you write?

Coffee shop, home, anywhere I can.

What’s your favourite writing food and drink?

Coffee (black), tea (black).

Who helped you most when you were starting out?

I started l istening to Brandon Sandersons l ectures and podcasts. CS Larkins resources and books were very helpful also. My wife always gives my books a read over before release and is my most trusted source of feedback.

What’s the most useful writing advice you’ve been given?

Just keep writing. Thats how I got four books out in the last year vs the 4 years i t took to finish King Tides Curse.

Any final words for potential readers or writers? 

Readers, i f you l ike my stuff, I am absolutely stoked if you can review i t online.

Writers, just keep writing. Everyone says it and i t's true that nothing sells your l atestbook like the next one.

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Click below to learn more about this author's spectacular literary work!



CURRENT - Torres Strait Islander flag -

The Torres Strait Islander flag was designed by the late Mr Bernard Namok 


The original Rainbow flag was designed by the Gilbert Baker and friends. This redesign of the Porgress Pride Flag is by Valentino Vecchietti

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