Episode Five
In this episode we discuss the wonders of word count, how short stories and anthologies can be a powerful tool for writers, explore some of our favourite quotes, and enjoy a fabulous interview with feisty author Natasha O'Connor.
Will our end tagline come together this time? It's time to put your judging hat on...!
Do you write for yourself or for a particular audience?
I write for myself mostly and hope that people like what I write.
What genre(s) do you read and write?
I'm all about the spec fic. There's something so cool about all the different worlds and magic. I love reading about all the different cultures other authors can think of.
As a writer, are you a pantser or a plotter?
I'm 100% a pantser. I've never been a planner in any area of my life and I never know what's going to happen when I start writing. It means I get some awesome gasp-worthy moments when I write twists.
What are you currently reading?
I'm reading Rhythm of War right now, Brandon Sanderson latest doorstop. It's the latest in his Way of Kings series and it's got me hooked. It's an epic fantasy set on another planet which had regular storms and everything is so different. Sanderson packs his stories so full of details it's awesome.
Is there anything specifically Australian about your writing.
For my first proper novel, I based a lot of the locations off ones in Australia and my MC is meant to be Australian.